The wee hours of the early morning are so beautiful--why do I miss them everyday?

The mountain was gorgeous outside our window. The band of color along the
base of the mountain was the sun shining across the trees--there were eagles
everywhere! The fishing must be really good because they were all skimming
along the water in groups, over and over.

I was up at 4:00 am to put the finishing touches on a breakfast I was hired
to provide for a tour boat with 19 people onboard leaving the harbor at 6:15 am.
I have never done anything like this and the order was taken over the phone, so I
am a little bit nervous about how well it was received. The captain was pretty grumpy
and so was his helper when I got there--maybe they are always that way at 6:00 am
with a long trip ahead of them?
They requested food that could be eaten without utensils, so I made bran and rhubarb
muffins and also made a batch of rhubarb muffins with cream cheese frosting. I made a
double batch of To Die For Crescent Rolls and slathered them with butter when they
came out of the oven. I also sent along 3 cartons of juice, Braeburn apples, and fresh
oranges sliced so they are easy to eat. They had fresh coffee brewed to go with the muffins
and crescent rolls. I hope they liked everything! (nervously biting my fingernails)

We had fresh crab for dinner the other night. They were still live when my
husband brought them home, freshly caught that day. I just had to capture the
big grin on our guest's face. Boy he loves seafood!
I talked with Keith this morning and he sounds better. He is looking forward to a
change of scenery for the next 10 days while he waits for the next round of surgery. He
has had lots of visitors--how wonderful people take time out to go and talk with
people that are in the hospital. If you have ever been in there you know the days get
reeaalllyy long just laying there.
Wow-- I haven't even thought about it, but the 4th of July is right around the
corner, isn't it. What kind of plans do you have?
Kris!!!!! Your guest is one of the most handsome guy I've ever seen!
PS - The food looked wonderful too. I'm sure everyone on board enjoyed it very much!
So glad to read about Keith doing ok for now.
The food looks so awesome! You rock. You do.
You've been on my mind today. I am glad things are going ok up there.
Oh Jane--you are so predictable you adoring mother you! Thanks for the compliments on the food--I so hope you are right.
Pam--thanks for thinking of me. I sure hope the food rocked. I do appreciate the prayers for Keith too. We are looking forward to him being able to i-chat with us over the computer while he is at the house he is staying at.
the pics are wonderful... I love the morning time its my favorite... the food looks yummy I grabbed the rolls recipie it is very very close to the ones my neighbor lady made when I was a kid they were to die for.. I am a bread snob too!
and your guest looks happy!!! those crabs look YUMMMMY!
I am so glad your brother is feeling a bit better and up to guests! continued prayers!
Hugs laura
One of the worst things about living in the midwest is NO CRAB!
I have a big group praying for Keith. It looks like a long road- but he seems to have good support.
Laura--thank you for the compliments. You blog about staying up so late a lot--how do you get up early? My problem is not waking up early, it's GETTING up early! LOL I turn over and go back to sleep until 6 or 7 and then kick myself for not getting right up. Try the rolls--you'll love them!
Janette--I LOVE CRAB! It would be a hard thing to go completely without. I feel for you!
Thank you very much for keeping Keith in your prayers. He has a huge black eye now and his legs are SO swollen. He says he will gladly take all the prayers and really appreciate them.
Hi Kris!
What a wonderful view out your window! I think your breakfast looks so yummy that even a grumpy boat captain would have to love it. I you lived just a "little" closer, I would be at your door every morning wanting some of those rolls!
Still praying for Keith to have a very quick recovery. What a great family you have.
Thank you Mary! I would gladly have you over for breakfast every morning for fresh rolls. That would be the incentive I need to get up by 5:00 am!
Thank you so much for praying for Keith. He is a grateful recipient of them all.
I an envious that you can just plan menus like that. Then you make everything look so pretty, too. You really are talented.
Glad your brother is going to have a bit of a respite from the hospital. What a terrible accident! It's good he has such strong family support (and, of course, prayer :))
Caution--here's a little tip that helps me with menus...get yourself a catering book from the library. They are filled with meals that are already put together--food that goes well, appropriate food for certain occasions, etc. And sometimes I just pull out one of my million cookbooks and thumb through it for ideas!
Thank you also for the well wishes for my brother. To add insult to injury he now has a huge black eye from the head trauma. I told him at least they never stick around for very long!
Your mountain view is just beautiful! And the food for the tour boat looks wonderful ~ I'm sure they loved it! I love seeing the creations you make for your catering jobs!
Thanks so much for the update on Keith ~ that is so much for him to go through.
Blessings Kris,
watermelon and noble pigs pop rocks cupcakes, my girls wouldlove them. the food looks good enough to eat!
Oh I want that plate of crab!!! It's my favourite food in the world. That's just plain cruel to post pics like that, Kris!!! LOL
I'm glad Keith is starting to recover. Incredible blessing.
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