Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The mountain was gorgeous this morning!

What an amazing creation to see everyday
when we wake up. My husband and daughter
are in South Carolina--hopefully they woke
up to a beautiful day too!

We are into my favorite part of winter...crisp temperatures
and bright blue skies. Everything is covered in frost this
morning and the ocean is so calm.

We are already gaining daylight time since the shortest
day was December 21st. Right before Christmas I was
driving my daughter home from school and we
both noticed it was pitch dark at 3:30.

Yesterday it was twilight at 4:05, so we are adding
daylight quickly now.

We even had the patio door open for awhile onto
the deck yesterday. The dogs were lounging out
there soaking up the sun, which is very unusual
for December. We have had very little snow
compared to the last 2 winters, just a dusting
here and there. This time last year we were
buried under 4 feet of snow and it never
really went away the rest of the winter.

This was a fun order for the library yesterday. They were
doing a program on Polar Bears and each child that
attended received a sugar cookie. When I delivered
them the librarians were hoping that they were going
to be able to "help" with the program. I think there
was a little bit of cookie envy going on there.

I am making a chili recipe today that I received in an
email. It is called Cincinnati Chili, apparently it is
from a famous restaurant? I have never heard of it
but it sounds so good I am going to give it a shot.

It is one of those chili recipes that has no beans
and it is served over pasta. Plus it has chocolate
in it and several fragrant spices. The email
said it tastes better the next day and the day
after that. I like those kinds of recipes and
usually double them so we can freeze some
for another time.

If it is good I will post the recipe and a picture
tomorrow. I should probably make some
french bread to go with it for dipping, huh?

Today the Christmas decorations all come down.
Wow, it seems like we just put them up.

What is up with this time warp thing anyway?
It's like the time has speeded up and 24 hours
isn't 24 hours anymore.

Weren't we just celebrating the start of 2009?

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