We have
the best Sushi place here in town. The food is fresh, beautifully presented
and quite artistic. It is expensive, so we only go there once in awhile. Since Babcia leaves
in about 3 weeks we thought she might enjoy seeing and tasting some different kinds of
food she's never seen before.

"These are chopsticks--no they don't give you forks. You place one on top of your fingers
and the other under your fingers. Then you have to squeeze them carefully together and
try to pick up individual grains of rice and put them in your mouth."


Hey look I grabbed one. This is easy!

I think I just put a raw squid in my mouth.

Next up...Spider Roll and Raw Tuna! (click the picture and look at the set of Babcia's mouth in the background.
Oh yeah, she's digging it. NOT)

Isn't this beautiful food? Oh look, the Sushi guy just handed us Spicey Tuna Ice Cream Cones wrapped in seaweed!

(Babcia tapping heels together repeatedly under the counter) There's no place like home...there's no place like home...
the sushi looks wonderful but I love Babcia expressions...lol
I have tagged you for a Meme. Come and have a look!
It very pretty. That's all I am sayin ;)
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