Monday, March 8, 2010


The hallway.

This was all changed last year when the kitchen
was added on. The wall to the left was added,
which created an extra room for us. The doors
at the end of the hall are French Doors that
lead into the master bedroom and my new
kitchen is to the right.

This last weekend my husband finished the
sheetrock and texture, painted, added the
sconces on the wall and put in the whole
new floor. The color on the walls is a soft
beige, which is difficult to see in this photo.

I love how it turned out, now I just have to
remember not to come bombing down the
stairs full speed when I hear the timer
going off down in the kitchen--the floor
is slippery!

We are hosting a small group at our house
for the next 6 weeks to study this book:

I highly, highly recommend this book to
everybody, even if you have already gone
through a class to discover your spiritual gifts.

It is written in a very user-friendly format
with quizzes and questions that pertain to
everyday life, not just life in the church.

It will help you discover what makes
you tick and why you act and think the
way you do. It is amazing how accurate
it is and I am surprised at some of the
things I didn't know about myself. It
answers questions you have about
which direction you should turn in
a career, relationships and yes,
serving in the church, all in
accordance with your spiritual

We are having a great time with this class
and the people that came last week said
they could hardly wait to come back and
find out some more about themselves.

I love doing dessert for baby showers! I don't know
if you can see it from this angle, but the cupcakes spell out
The flowers, leaves and baby feet are fondant with
chocolate cake and buttercream frosting. To make
these extra special I filled these with the same fluff
that is inside of a Hostess cupcake. YUM.

My mom is doing much better, she is home and feeling
pretty good other than the surgery site, of course.
Thank you everybody for thinking about her and
praying for her. I am hoping she is on easy street
now, with healing ahead and maybe even a trip
to Alaska could happen in there somewhere...


Caution/Lisa said...

Glad your mom is feeling better! That's good news.

I don't think we've ever finished any project we've started around here. That's bad news!

Dunover said...

Those cupcakes look to pretty to eat!!!

Kathy said...

So glad about your Mom. Isn't it great to finish a project and like the end results? I LOVE those cupcakes.