If this is winter, who needs summer?? We have no
snow and tiny spurts of rain here and there. For
the most part it is blue skies and sunny days that
sometimes reach into 50 degrees. My husband
took this picture yesterday from the boat as he
was leaving the harbor to deliver supplies to
one of the islands:
Me? I stayed home because I have been sicker than I have
been for a long, long time. It all started a couple of weeks
ago when I placed an ad in the paper for cookie bouquets
for Valentine's Day. Little did I know how many people
would actually order them, in addition to my usual orders
for cakes, cookies and pastries.
I just kept saying yes, yes, yes when people would call
and then like a complete airhead I scheduled a dessert
buffet and movie night for our church on Valentine's
night and guess who is supplying ALL of the desserts?
Yep, Grandma Tillie's Bakery.
In a futile attempt to keep up with everything I was
working in the kitchen literally day and night. Which
probably would have been O.K., except I kind of
forgot to eat or drink anything for about 3 days.
Not smart.
Long story short, I ended up in bed on Monday
and I really didn't care if the world ended or if
the house burned down. Today is Friday and I
am just now feeling like I am going to live.
So. Here are just a FEW of the Valentine's items
that flew out of the kitchen this holiday. I lost count
of the actual number of just cookies I made, but I
know I made 12 batches of cookie dough and each
one makes approx. 40 cookies...
I didn't take pictures of half the items and in between
there were coconut pies, cherries, pastries and cakes.
At one point we had both long tables and the
counter filled with cookie bouquets and my
husband and daughter were delivering while
my younger daughter and I were assembling
so they could come back for more.
I am going to have to come up with a better
plan for Mother's Day and Easter.
Any great ideas???
Giant chocolate chip cookie heart with chocolate deer
for a hunter.
Red Velvet Cake truffles with white chocolate.
My Polish red glass collection from my mother in law
with roses from my older daughter--gorgeous!
Cloning I hear works well! LOL
Gorgeous Cookies!! I hope you feel better soon!
Kris, your colors on the cookies are gorgeous. The cookies are awesome too. You amaze me!!!
Miss you!
Hope you're feeling better.
Glad you are starting to re-join the land of the living. For Easter, etc. my suggestion is to decide on an amount you can reasonably produce without killing yourself, and then be strong and brave and tell customers you are sold out!!!
It should work perfectly :)
Oh my! So happy that you are better. Your cookies are absolutely amazing, and you have such a ministry with flour and sugar :) I agree with Niki - you just set a limit and then sweetly tell people no. Or.....you could move to Africa and bake cookies just for me......:)
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