The last part of our trip was really fun. We flew to Colorado
to visit our best friends of 20+ years. It was sooo good to see
them and visit for a few days. We laughed, caught up, laughed,
talked about old times and laughed some more. They were kind
enough to show us a few highlights from their neck of the woods:

This is an area called Garden of the Gods. There were these
amazing natural rock structures everywhere.

The rocks are a bright reddish orange color and stacked in
funny shapes like Dr. Suess would imagine.

Well the sign says it all. I missed this part of the trip; I was
busy antiquing in a little town called Florence. First we had
Chinese food, then we went to 4 of the 16 antique stores
that lined the road.

Our husbands rode the tram across the gorge and said it
was amazing. I rode the one in Juneau up the side of the
mountain--that was more than enough tram riding for
me I think.
We spent some time just regular shopping here too since we
don't have Walmart, Costco or anything like that. We went to
Hobby Lobby in and I had my mind blown! Wow is that a
huge store. I stocked up on lots of baking supplies and had
a great time just seeing what else they had on the shelves.
We ate at some really good places too;
Chilies had great Tortilla Soup, Coldstone Creamery had
amazing ice cream and Olive Garden, well, yum!

The temperature just kept dropping, which was a bummer
because the day before we arrived they had 70 degrees.

We stayed at one last hotel before flying home.
It was about 20 minutes from the airport so
we wouldn't have to drive through the snow
for 2 hours to catch our flight. Our bathroom
had a phone next to the toilet.
I just love getting phone calls from people
using the toilet, don't you?
The flights home were uneventful, no dropping
into rivers or anything like that, thank goodness.
It was a great vacation, the dogs were happy and
round when we got home and now we are on the
downhill slide of short days and nights.
Hi Kris,
I'm glad you're safely back and I'm glad you had a wonderful time. I cannot even imagine being at that gorge. I think I might have had a heart attack! Just looking at the picture of the, I'm assuming, visitor area was enough to do me in! Talk to you later.
I'm with Jane. I looked at the pictures and felt my neck getting all tense. Yikes!
You surely did have a wonderful trip :)
OH MY guts clenched at that bridge I would not be able to go over it... come back and see the photo i posted of marthas outfits today please give me your thoughts!
Hey Kris I'm thinking I would like to bungee jump off that bridge. Jana
We were just there in Colorado Springs. Garden of the Gods is beautiful. I thought it was a botanical garden until we actually got there LOL.
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