No wait...we weren't playing! I put everybody to work helping
me with a decorated cookie order that is due tomorrow along
with soup and fresh bread for the staff in the medical clinic. Some
times I feel guilty getting paid to make these because I am having
so much fun LOL
Here are some of the cookies we made--they taste wonderful!
They are soft and buttery and the icing melts in your mouth
but dries hard enough that they can be stacked together.

We celebrated my sister in law's birthday on Sunday
evening with a big surprise party. Her mother set it up
so she sat in a throne, wore a crown and lei and had a
trumpet blow to announce her arrival! I made her a special
cake because she is a very special person in our family. White
sour cream almond cake, vanilla buttercream frosting and
the poinsettias are handmade from chocolate and so is
the gift tag.
Happy Birthday Allison--we love you, CHA CHA CHA!

Those cookies look fabulous ~ you HAVE to give a cookie decorating tutorial in the New Year...pretty please ;)
I would love to know how to decorate like that
Merry Christmas....
Oh my goodness! My mouth is watering, and I need to go eat a cookie :) How sweet that your family helps you out in a crunch. I have a feeling my family would do more eating than decorating. I would love to know how you make your icing. Mine is either runny or glumpy. Fortunately we eat iced cookies no matter what they look like! Have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas!!!!
Okay, Kris, are you going to share the recipe? I'm really curious about the icing, and what are you squeezing the icing out of? Are those squeeze bottles? Please share. Also, be sure and have Elea show you Matthew's myspace so you can see ALL OUR SNOW! It is incredible. We have not had this much for so long for ever!! Merry Christmas!
AMAZING cookies! My little women are busy in the kitchen with cookie cutters and royal icing EVERYWHERE! I sip tea and enjoy the jolly holiday. Life is so good when we have loved ones to share it with.
Wishing you a Merry CHRISTmas! : D
Yum Yum Yum! Am now starving! The icing looks spectacular! HO HO HO!
Merry Christmas!
God Bless you all!
oh my goodness those cookies are absolutely too pretty to eat!!!!!! and that cake WOW!! if only!
Hugs Laura
Merry Christams to you all!
Wow, I couldn't possibly eat such pretty cookies! They are fabulous! :)
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