just can't be helped sometimes. We have an out of town guest and at the same
time my older daughter went down south to visit friends and attend the summer
camp with our old church's youth group.

the 75+ weather, while we are basking in 48+ here at home. ppffffft.

there for several hours, but from what I hear the doctors were happy with the
procedure. His next appointment is Wednesday to remove the casts and examine
the healing. They may even make a decision as to when he can come back home.
Prayers for a positive outcome would certainly be appreciated-we miss him!

fish. The water did have some pretty good swells a few times that made them
all a little queasy, but it looks worth it, right? We had some of this fish smoked
by one of my relatives and it is the best smoked salmon I have ever eaten. Hey,
maybe I'll hold a contest here and the prize will be some fresh smoked salmon!
Would any of you enter if I did that???

halibut! Oh boy are they tasty when they are young like this...right from the ocean
into the baking pan.

this picture should be there. Did you know when they are little their eyes are not on
one side of their face? They migrate over as they grow larger. Weird.

I planted 3 varieties and I am looking forward to seeing how many potatoes these
plants will produce in these raised beds. My zucchini looks good too even though
something nocturnal decided to taste the leaves one night.

collection from Ohio. There are some fantastic pieces in this collection and I am planning
on attending the Head Vase Convention in Florida in January to sell some of them. I was
able to go a few years back and had a great time. What fun to see 4000+ lady head vases
for sale in one place! My husband and kids will be heading over to North Carolina to visit
his family and then I suppose we will meet up and try and get into Cape Canaveral to see
the space shuttles and take the tour. Last time we were there we ate alligator and I have to
tell you--I prefer salmon and halibut. Plus the gators laying in the ditches alongside the
road as you're driving? I'll take the bears, thank you very much!
Glad to see Keith is recuperating well. I hope he'll be home soon!
Loved the headvase as well, they are so pretty.
You get to enjoy entirely too much fresh fish, please overnight express.
Thanks for stopping by Niki and Karen! We are so thankful Keith is recovering. It is going to be interesting to see how he is able to get home without being able to put his feet down. Karen--there is no overnight express you silly girl! 2 day is the closest thing there is and that is hardly ever on time either. I guess you'll just have to come and visit and get your own!
Smoked salmon yes... the halibut is too ugly to eat! haha
That's cool about the headvase collection! Next time just have me pick it up and deliver it!
I am glad your brother is doing better. I have been wondering.
We've had guests here from Seattle for a few weeks. I spoke to my cousin in Petersburg via webcam while they were here, thought of you!
So glad to hear the positive update on your brother. He's still in my prayers.
I missed you ... isn't that funny, to meet someone on a computer and then when you go visit and they're busy/away you think, "(frown) Still Salmon Chowder? [check thermometer] Bummer." And off you go (but you'll check back next time, just in case ...).
Yes, I'd love smoked salmon. Thanks but no thanks on the glamour-challenged halibut. Did his eyes move because he sleeps on one side all the time? I read that a dermatologist can tell which side you sleep on just by looking at your face. Whoa! After seeing that pathetic fish face, I'm sleeping on my back to preserve what looks I have left! Yikes!
Always a pleasure to stop by your "house." : )
I was thinking that I would take a 48 degree July day in exchange for some really big fish like that. Then I remembered that you have to clean and cook them, and I decided to keep my 80 degree day and two inch fish.
Pam--I thought about calling you when I heard about the collection--I really did! I ended up calling a friend in Michigan to help me.
Debbie--it feels good to be missed! Yes, our poor halibut is face challenged isn't he?
Caution--but the fun part about cleaning these big fish is throwing their big guts out and watching the eagles come and pick them up!
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