Sunday, June 22, 2008


That's the question of the day around here when I am baking. Is this for us or someone
else? Honestly, I do try to double recipes and make extra for these guys because I know
it must be hard to smell those fresh baked smells and see those fresh baked items cooling
on the counter, only to watch them be placed into carriers and whisked away to some other
lucky recipient. Here are a few things that I took pictures of lately:

One of a 2 cake set for a 60th birthday party. The other one said Happy Birthday 
with her age but I liked this one better. They were carrot cake with cream cheese 
frosting and weighed about 25 pounds each. Just ask my sister--she was the lucky 
person recruited to sit in back of the delivery car and  hold them under the penalty 
of death if they were damaged in any way, shape or form.

My niece Erin made this awesome dessert for my older daughter's birthday. Isn't it 
great? It is "sushi" made from marshmallows, fruit roll ups, frosting and jelly beans 
complete with chop sticks. Some people have the neatest ideas!

I picked up a Paula Deen dessert magazine when we were in Juneau and this cake
was on the cover. Hers was square, but I decided to try it in round layers (I thought 
it would look better) This one stayed home and we ate THE WHOLE THING. The 
chocolate mousse in the 5 layers is absolutely delicious--very light yet full of chocolate 
flavor at the same time.

I made this Coffee Toffee Torte for tonight's good bye dinner for our pastor and his wife. 
They have  been promoted to district managers of all pastors in Alaska, so we wish them 
well. The butterflies are made of chocolate so they can eat them!

That's all for now, but I just took a phone order for a boy's birthday cake with a rocket 
ship, and there's 4th of July, a wedding in July, then my nephew's birthday in August...


Anonymous said...

I love them all, but that chocolate cake is amazing. You can probably hear me salivating right across the Pacific Ocean. Yummmmm!


Niki said...

that chocolate cake looks to die for!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to think of a way to convince you that I'm either Pastor Bill or Dori. Then the cake will be all mine!!!!

Grandma Tillie's Bakery said...

Oh you guys are too funny!! I am starting a new club--Chocoholics United and you are all invited to join. The person that eats the most chocolate gets to be president, so that's probably me. :-\


Laura ~Peach~ said...

Carrot cake is my very favorite! those cakes look delishous! you have a wonderful talent! It is probably a good thing I dont live near you I would get really FAT~ lol
HUGS Laura

Karen Deborah said...

those cakes are gorgeous, you are an excellent cook! The chocolate cake looks way to yummy, let me know how you do on the crocheting!

Grandma Tillie's Bakery said...

Laura--I am always surprised by how many people like carrot cake! I thought it would be chocolate all the way, but about 1 out of every 5 people will ask for carrot.

Karen--I am going right now to get the book and yarn. There are some excellent tutorials online too. I found an afghan in the book that looks pretty simple, so here goes!

The Stricklands said...

I am in awe! I can quilt a quilt, remodel a house, and adopt a lot of darlin's, cake baking is pretty disgusting :0) What a gift you have to make something that actually looks as wonderful as it tastes. If you lived just a little closer I know who I would call for our next birthday celebration!

Anonymous said...

These look amazing!! What a wonderful job you do!! I'm kind of embarrassed about the layer cake my daughter and I made when I see your chocolate 5 layer cake!
I'm sure everyone coming to your site left feeling hungry!!

Thanks for sharing!
