outside activities! It really takes people some getting used to all of the daylight
we have here though. I mean, usually you put in a full day at work, maybe BBQ
something on the grill, and then wind down for the evening and bedtime.
Here, once the workday is finished you grab a bite to eat and head outside. In
our case we all got in the boat and headed out to fish. My nephew and his wife
said people were catching King Salmon in a certain spot so that's where we
headed at 7:00 last night.
It took about 45 minutes to get there and it was an absolutely beautiful evening.

The water was like glass and the reflections were amazing. The breezes were even warm...

Click the picture to enlarge--that's my vacation house on that island
(O.K.--not really--but I'd like it to be)

No wonder the air is so pure up here--look at all those trees cranking out the oxygen!

I think our guest had a good time.

The boat that was fishing by us. Sorry for the blur, but that King he caught
was so big the guy could just barely get it in the boat and it was exciting to watch!

The sunset heading back at 10:45pm

This is what my younger daughter caught. She was the one that hooked it
and everyone helped bring it in. Guess what's on the menu tonight!
Thanks again for those lovely pictures ~ I would like that to be my vacation house too!!
A salmon dinner sounds really good!! :)
Have a great Sunday,
Loved those pictures! Thanks for sharing.
Again I am speechless at the grandure of the place you live... What an amazing view! THe sunset OH MY how beautiful... God is amazing with the things he has created for us to photograph... Thank you!
Hugs laura
Everytime I read about one of your adventures and see the beautiful place where you live, I want to pack my bags for Alaska! You are truly blessed to live in such a majestic setting where God's glory is seen everywhere. I hope you enjoyed your fish dinner!
What beautiful scenery! And looks like you all had a lot of fun fishing.
I had salmon last week, but somehow I don't quite think it was the same! I saw Copper River salmon in the case that day, but it was SOOOOOO expensive! I have eaten it in Seattle before and it makes one feel spoiled for sure. I bet this beauty was great. And I am sure however you fixed it you made it even better you culinary genius you.
If I could I would send every one of you guys their own personal King salmon! It is so delicious when freshly caught and prepared. Thank you for the compliment Pam, but a culinary genius wouldn't have burned the BBQ chicken the other night :-0
I think if we ever saw a big fish, let alone caught one, we would all be immediately dead of shock. Yeah for your daughter!
I just realized you said the sunset picture was 10:45! That is amazing :)
We are in the land of the BIG FISH. The first time I ever went halibut fishing with my brother I dropped my line in the water, started to unzip my coat and had a 75 pound halibut on the line.
You haven't experienced living until you try to wrestle a 75 pound fish, that wants desperately to get away from you, over the side of a boat that's bobbing on the water. Well, that and the fact that they have both eyes on one side of their head kind of freaked me out too!
in answer to your question.... NO I used to see him here and there once in a blue moon... his sister and I stayed friends for awhile when martha was a baby ... she has a daughter 9 months or so older than martha but the last time i saw her she was about 3... He was living in south carolina selling drugs last i heard and that was more than 10 years ago... I am happy that i have not seen or heard anything from or about him ... he was not capable of living clean or sober... if anything at all perhaps I feel pity for his mother ... shrug... I wish him no ills just leave me alone :)
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