potatoes and there are only a couple of other ingredients in them that most people usually have on
I couldn't get exact measurements from my mother in law, as she has never cooked with a recipe in
her life and laughs at me when I try to weasel amounts out of her. She also laughed at me for taking
pictures of her cooking, and she laughed again when my Pecan Tarts stuck to the pan like crazy glue
last night; I guess I am just a really funny person, eh?
Yes, that's bacon frying in the pan. I know I said in an earlier post that we don't eat bacon anymore,
but these just taste so darn good with it that I am going to have to search the store for a substitute
so I can make these more often. I think that vegetarian bacon kinda stuff was pretty good one time
we had it so I will get some and try it since she has another dish that requires bacon flavor that she
will be making on Christmas Eve. Mushrooms are also terrific sauteed in the bacon pan for extra
**These are really, really good served with mushroom gravy on the side to pour over them!**

1) Cut 1/2 pound bacon into squares and fry gently until browned. Keep warm on
stove while preparing Kopitka.
2) Peel and cut into thirds 6 medium potatoes, boil in salted water and mash.
3) Mound flour on flat surface with 2 large eggs in the middle (see photo) She says
about 1 kilo of flour, but I don't think it's critical how much you use, as the important
thing here is the consistency of the dough.
4) Spoon potatoes around the egg and add flour and mix together with hands until you get
a dough that holds together and does not stick. Keep adding flour and rolling it in your hands
until it doesn't stick to your hands anymore. Roll the dough out on a board that is coated
with flour into a long, thin rope shape. Cut diagonally into narrow noodle strips.
5) Bring salted water to a boil in a big pot and drop the noodles in gently. When they are done
they will float up. Spoon out with slotted spoon into pan of bacon. Cook gently to coat with the
bacon flavors. Serve with hot gravy on the side.
My best friend would flip over this recipe, will send her over to check it out!
Great and there will be more Polish recipes to post as she makes them.
I will be trying your pea soup recipe too Pam--it looks wonderful for this cold weather.
My nan used to make this, but made it a bit differently... might make it again soon.. i miss her cooking
Thnx for posting this!!! Ive been trying to get the "recipe" for this from my DMIL too lol. It was something like "take potatoes put egg, and flour into it. Then make kopitka, boil right away". Pics are rly helpful too!
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