My niece's boyfriend was the driver of the truck (you can see him up on top) He did a
great job backing that monster into a very small space with our deck at the top. There
were about 2 inches to spare between the running board of the dump truck and the
support beam of our deck. Whew.

arrived. They are excited about our Pink Cranberry bush in the yard, but I haven't
seen them at the feeder yet. I wonder if they will come with the larger bird's food
hanging right next to their feeder?

almost out of flour and it took 9 cups, so I ended up making up the difference with
whole wheat flour. They are gigantic rolls since you cut each roll 2 inches wide instead
of the usual 1 inch. I am going to try them again with regular flour and see how they
turn out. They were good, just not as light and fluffy as I like them because of the
whole wheat flour's heaviness. I'll post the recipe here after I make them again. It
made a gob--16 huge rolls that we ate with dinner, breakfast and again at lunch!

I found this beautiful painting in WA state in an old antique store I used to frequent.
The owner's found it at an estate sale and hung it up near the ceiling in an old, unused
part of the store. I saw it up there and asked how much? $40 bucks. When they took it
down I realized it is an original oil painting! The name signed on it is K. Williams.
It was unframed, so my husband took some old wood from our church remodel and
made this lovely frame for it. He was kind of bumming when he sanded it down because
of a vertical nail mark in the lower right of the wood. I saw it and suggested that he make
a horizontal mark and voila! we have a cross. I think it fits nicely with the subject matter,
don't you?
excellent driving skills...the painting is quite beautiful... I have never heard of K williams but the frame is perfect. the cross is perfect. you have a very talented hubby! of course... those rolls DROOL...
have a great weekend!
nice painting :)
Absolutely! Glad you have the painting and that your husband made the frame! Very beautiful!
Thanks for sharing!
thank you for the comment I took immense joy in showing martha that she is not the only one to do mowing therapy and she was amazed to know just how BIG 5 acres is are so correct on faith and church making a huge difference we have always been on and off church goers but always very strong faith and bible oriented and both kids have been saved and baptised in the church (in fact Martha insisted on being Baptised a second time because the first time the preacher did not do so in the name of Jesus.) long story there but it was really cool...I think that she will come back and this is simply one of those teen things that went way too far and she is starting to realise we are not her enemy and that she has to be responsible for her actions.
Again thank you I love all input and advice and thoughts and prayers It means so much!
If I had a view like that, I'd never even look at a wall again. Can I please have a roll and a cup of dark french roast coffee?
Your views are awesome and your cinnamon rolls look so so good!! What a great idea to add the cross on the picture frame ~ I love it! Your husband does wonderful work!
Blessings on the rest of your weekend,
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