Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Our older daughter realized a 2 year goal this weekend
by earning her First Degree Black Belt.

She has worked really hard and been faithful to get
herself to practice twice a week even when it was
difficult. She paid for everything herself and met
every goal that was set for her.

Here is a rundown of the day:

Warming up out in the hallway...

Waiting for the judges to enter:

There were several phases to the test, including
sparring, individual form and wood breaking:

Some of them broke double pieces of wood:

1 1/2 hours later, it is time for the judges to leave and
add up the scores:

Success! The class passed and each one was awarded their
First Degree Black Belts:

Instruction from the Master on tying and wearing the
new belt. He gave them each a new uniform as a gift:

I don't remember the levels that each of the judges
have accomplished, but my daughter's instructor on
the right is a 5th degree Black Belt and each one of
the judges in the front row are higher belts than that.

Probably not a good group to stir up trouble with, huh?

A VERY proud Dad:

Excellent mentors for a young lady to have:

The belts came from Korea and have the name and
belt degree on them in Korean. They are never to
be washed--ever. Over time they wear out and
turn to grey, then white, just like people.

The next night we were invited to a potluck for the
belt recipients and their families. The judges came in
from outside, so the instructor requested that we
make all Alaskan food for them to try.

From the top left is Halibut, roasted Deer,
Moose sausage, vegetables grown here,
Shrimp caught over Thanksgiving and
Smoked Salmon dip.

It was also the Master's birthday that night, so I made
him a special cake with the logo on the top and a
sugar black belt around the cake with Happy
Birthday on the tails of the belt.

I saw him hovering with the knife and I took it from
him and told him I had a 7th degree in cake cutting.



Laura~peach~ said...

WAY TO GO!!!!!! what an awesome accomplishment! Love the cake and Yeah Would not want to be on the wrong side of that awesome group!

Karen Deborah said...

Awesome. My granddaughter is a blue belt in jujitsu. She is a midget little thing and only one other woman in her class. They have to be tough to even do this stuff!

lunch looks awesome**drooling**