Thursday, September 30, 2010


Cuz if they keep eating cake I keep working!

Here are a few of the cakes and cookies that
I actually remembered to take pictures of
before they left the kitchen. I think what
I need is a dedicated spot in the kitchen
to take pictures, like a light box. The
finished cakes could go there before I
deliver them and then I would remember
to take pictures!

Dark chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting
for (you guessed it) a hunter.

A marble wedding cake with buttercream frosting.

The customer called me the next day and
left me a message: "I have to say I was very
surprised--that was the best cake I have ever eaten
which really shocked me since it came from a bakery"

I think there is a compliment in there somewhere...

This was a fun cake to make. The customer called for a
retirement cake for the museum's curator. She threw some
ideas out there and I said Why not the museum itself?
She said You can do that?? Yep, and it is all edible.

A local reception cake for a couple that was married
in Hawaii. Lemon cake, lemon curd, vanilla buttercream.

Sugar cookies for a library program about
conserving energy. They wanted lightning
bolts, but I know from experience that due
to the shape of the bolts, most of them would
have been broken upon delivery.

I hate to be the cookie Nazi, but in a way
that's my job, isn't it? LOL

The dreaded boy cake. No flowers, no pretties, no fancy
schmancy. So what else is there? Hey I know--Plaid!

Can you believe this was for a 6 year old girl? I loved
this kid! They met me at the party venue and she came
out of the car and immediately started telling me all
about Egyptian culture. Her mom said she has read
every book she could get her hands on and loves
the History Channel. At 6 years old.

She loved her cake with real edible gold dust
sprinkled all over it. She said Thank you lady,
that's exactly what I wanted. :-)

A play on the popular Life is Good clothing line. This was
for a church life group and one of the men had a Life is
Good shirt on when he came in. Their meeting theme
was log cabin and the whole menu was geared towards
that. They even cooked dinner on an antique cook
stove to be authentic!

Another fun baby shower cake with clotheslines around
the cake and little girl clothes hanging on it. I didn't
realize until I saw the pictures of the cake that the
flower I put on the baby's bum looks like a banana
peel--what a dork I am! Why oh why didn't I make
it lavendar or even pale blue?

A baby cookie platter ordered by an out of state Grandma.
She had me deliver it to a Coast Guard family 2 days
after the baby was born.

I knocked on the door and it whipped open with a
large man in sweats with big dark circles under his eyes
standing there with a pacifier hanging from the corner
of his mouth and a very tiny baby crying on his shoulder.

He briefly smiled, thanked me and apologized as he took
off down the hallway to bring the baby to mommy. He
even forgot to close the front door.

I remember those days...

A Goodbye cake for one of the nurses at the hospital.

Fun, fun, fun. The customer gave me a picture of her
son on his snowmachine and that is him on his
birthday cake. I painted his image onto fondant
so the whole thing is edible. I was able to paint the
goggles and headlights in gold leaf so they looked
like light was shining on them and I sprinkled
edible glitter on the snow.

Well thanks for looking! I am headed back to the
kitchen to finish my fish cookies!


Niki said...

I never tire of looking at your beautiful goodies and cakes and reading the stories about some of them...beautiful work :)

Laura ~Peach~ said...

very cool stuff how well do cookies mail?

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I wish you lived here!! The customers you would have...Or maybe I just wish I lived in Sitka. You can tell a business person that puts both her heart and brain into it. Love your blog pieces about living in the area, too.---Fan in AZ

JBO said...

I wish we lived close enough to get a cake!
My husband went to the upper part of Alaska last week. He wishes he could have gone south to see your store!

Karen Deborah said...

You are a food artist and it is amazing how delicious your goodies are!