Monday, February 1, 2010


My good friend in Colorado has started a new website
to sell her handmade goat's milk soap. She sent me a
few bars and wow is it good stuff! She uses all natural
ingredients (yes, she milks the goats and everything!)
in a variety of scents, so you can pick and
choose what type of soap you need.

All 4 of us have been using one of the bars for quite
awhile now and it still looks like this:

I think this is the chocolate bar that has white chocolate
chunks with added coffee to scrub the gunk off your
hands. I like how easy it is to wash off--have you ever
used soap to wash your hands and then couldn't get the
sticky feeling off--yuk!

After using this soap I don't think I will ever go back
to the store bought chemical laden bars of soap. Plus,
it's a Made in the U.S.A. product!!

It was a busy week for cakes:

My customer just asked for a colorful, Mexican themed
cake, so this is what I came up with. White cake with
raspberry buttercream filling and vanilla buttercream.
I love the edible glitter for sparkle!

This was a fun cake for my sister in law's client
& hairdresser. When I delivered it she was shocked!
She was working on a customer's hair and asked
me if I needed help. When I confirmed that she was
the birthday girl and handed her the box she ran
around the counter at the salon and grabbed me
for a hug. It is so much fun for me to see people's
joy when they realize someone remembered them
on their special day.

I also delivered a birthday cake on Friday (I didn't
get a picture of it) to someone at work and his
face when I walked in with it was perfect!
He was so surprised and as I drove away
he still had the biggest grin--I love it!

This was a goodbye cake for a long time church member
that is moving to London. She is one of those people
that volunteers half her life in the community and gives,
gives, gives of herself and her time.

She was another one that ran up to me with tears in
her eyes and gave me a bear hug. Later she asked me
how had I decided what shape & color to do the cake.

Turns out she collects hearts and her favorite color
is lavender. She was even wearing purple at the party.
The cake was 1/2 white, 1/2 chocolate with a
filling of raspberry, blackberry and chocolate.
The bow, rose and butterfly were all sugar and
I had a hard time keeping the kids away from
eating them!

Another busy week coming up with lots of cookie
orders, dessert trays and cakes already on the
calendar. At least it is getting light now when
we get up and it is light until almost 5:30pm.
We are beginning to feel like maybe the end
of our hibernation is in the near future...

My husband is busy getting some detail
work finished up on the boat. The latest is
a cover being sewn by a local canvas worker
so we can have some protection from bad
wind and rain when we are out there. We
are looking forward to getting back out on
the water and doing some exploring and
replenishing our fish supply.

He also has agreed to bartering some work
on a friend's cabin for some time staying in the
cabin out on one of the bigger islands.

It is a really nice cabin with huge picture
windows, bedrooms and a real kitchen and
woodstove. It looks out over one of the best
whale areas, so that will be a lot of fun.

Plus the island it is on is big enough to
get out and explore on foot. We'll bring the
kayaks and make a day out of going all the
way along the shoreline when the water is
calm enough.

Still no snow or freeze!


Karen Deborah said...

Oh wow a trip! That will be great. Love the cakes. Price sheet please.

Jane said...

Kris, your cakes are gorgeous!!!!

Dunover said...

Thanks for the note on the soap! I just love it also! Just made some Oatmeal Honey Almond.... it smells so good!!!!


Niki said...

Your cakes are spectacular! I will be sure to visit your friends blog :)