Monday, April 27, 2009


We started off by attending a storage unit sale.
Have you ever been to one of those? The renter
owned a restaurant and had not paid her storage
fees for several years, so the locks were taken off 
& the contents sold for what she owed in back rent. 

There were a lot of very large items like pizza 
ovens and restaurant booths, I was more 
interested in the smaller items. 

Here is my pile; 12 pizza and serving
trays, several ladles, a large pizza cutter,
2 large steel mixing bowls and a soup pot,
all for $14.00. Not bad considering one
pizza pan will cost me more than that in 
a store here!

I had an order for Star Wars cupcakes to take to
school, then a Star Wars cake for the birthday
party over the weekend. Chocolate everything!
The little Darth Vaders and light sabers were 
made from marshmallow fondant and I
sprinkled little white candies to look
like stars:

Darth Vader is marshmallow fondant with royal
icing details and buttercream flames:

Saturday night we had a surprise belated 
birthday party for Keith. The big 50! My 
sister in law had a great theme planned--
everything Mac since he is an Apple nut. 
She asked everyone to dress in black and 
silver, some people even came in costumes.

She had Macadamia nuts--mac nuts--get it?
And slices of Apple to snack on. Plus
everyone brought their Apple electronics,
most of them had some help from Keith
to get them.

He had to wear a #50 necklace and a full
sized pink iPod with songs from the year
he was born.

I supplied cupcakes with silver marshmallow
fondant Apples on them and an iPhone cake.

The cartoon above the cake is Dilbert telling
his psychiatrist how attached he is to his and you may be able to read it.

My little niecie-poo enjoying the party
in her little rocking chair...


Laura ~Peach~ said...

looks like fun was had for all! yummy stuff and excellent finds at the sale!!!

Karen Deborah said...

WHAT A SCORE!! Looks like a great party and lovely food as usual. You know you kill me when you cook.

Caution/Lisa said...

Those sales could be a lot of fun (especially if you know your prices, like you do.) Happy belated birthday to Keith. What a clever group you all are.

pam said...

Awesome Star Wars and Mac stuff. These past few days have been crazy and I missed this post. I will have to show Ri tomorrow, he will love the Star Wars stuff! Re has made him Star Wars cakes before also. Fun fun fun!

Very cool