Friday was one of the warmest days of our summer so far. Of course, the word
warm is relative to where you live, isn't it? My parents are in WA state and
they are hovering in the 90+ degree range. I think that falls into the "too hot"
The cruise ships continue to arrive every day and in between the personal Mega
Yachts come in. This one went by our house Friday morning. It is called Utopia
and my picture doesn't really show how monstrous it is! It is available for a mere
97.5 million dollars if anyone is in the market. HaHa


I went down to a friend's house and took this shot of the harbor from their
front lawn. Utopia is the largest one in the middle. The funny part is that the
other boats that look small are actually very large yachts themselves. As a
comparison, the building with all the windows to the right is the hospital.

My husband took his Enduro and rode up the mountain to look for
deer since hunting season started August 1st. This is a nice shot of the
airport runway from up there. He didn't find any deer but he did
startle some tourists from Maine.

Later we went out in the boat. The ocean was vibrant blue
and there were lots of fishing boats working.

My older daughter fishing.

My niece always has the most interesting stuff in her hands...first
it was an abalone shell (she told me there were rainbows inside),
then a starfish, then she found this kelp that looks like a lightbulb.
I like a girl that's not afraid to get her hands dirty!

A tour boat full of people passed us. I imagine they saw a lot
since the weather was so pretty it was easy to see a long way.
We had porpoises swimming around us in the water as we fished.
Sorry no porpoise pictures--they swim way too fast!

One of the first-class lodges on an island we passed. Click the
picture to see it hidden in the trees.
Did you say deer hunting started Aug 1? So what happens in Oct and Nov ?
Sorry, girlfriend, but you aren't qualified to use the word "Hot" on this blog. We're finally feeling relief from those triple-digit days. Ghastly!
As for those "boats" -- my husband must stay away or he'll begin drooling all over this keyboard, and I just cleaned it up after reading your brownie post! : )
Gorgeous pics. I've never been to AK, but am now seriously seeing that I have missed a gem right on our side of the US. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful scenery ~ and your nieces are adorable!! Have you ever been to the island lodge? It looks like a neat place!
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