My great nephew--the epitome of the word ENERGY.
Oh my that boy makes the Energizer Bunny look like a slacker!
He go, go, goes and then on the dot at bedtime he's out like a
light so his weary momma can rest.

At Momma's birthday party...

Wearing silly glasses...

Riding the Search and Rescue float with Grandpa on the 4th of July...
We visited last night and I made the impossible request that
he sit still for a picture...

Eventually he was corralled so we could see those tiny, delicate,
pristine feet of his. Thank goodness for soap and warm water.
Lots of it.
Grandma managed to catch him in a semi-still moment. He sure
is a handsome little dude all cleaned up and waiting for the bus :-)
We love you Diggy!
he is ADORBALE! love those foots hes got there lol...
have a wonderful weekend!
Hugs Laura
How lovely. I am glad you dropped by my website because I have had a chance to follow you back to yours and see how lovely it is!
Aww he is so handsome! What great photos too. My little man just turned five... They would get along great! LOL!
ADORABLE!! LOVE LOVE The muddy feet! My kids always played in the mud, kids and dir is a happy combination. Good luck with finding a new hair dressor, really, not being a smart mouth.
I am thankful every day that God gave me three boys! I still can't keep up with them, don't understand them, and can't clean fast enough with them around, but.....they bless my heart and bring me great joy.
Kids and life equal energy. I just love it. How can we fret about anything when we look into those bright eyes and see all the wonderful ideas zinging around in there? He may find the cure for this or the solution for that (or his disasters may inspire somebody else -- like portable footbaths for mom's on the go). He's just precious! : )
He is very large and stout for his age--we're thinking football as a career? He is funny because when you meet him he drags you over to a teeny tiny girl and tells you in his ultra high pitched 4 year old boy voice "This is my best friend Baby Madison." (his sister)
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