Pretty much the whole country has heard by now that John Mc Cain
picked Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska as his running mate for the
2008 presidency. I don't normally talk about politics on my blog, but this
is something that I have to mention. His choice of Sarah Palin gives me
hope for this country where I was beginning to think there wasn't any.
I won't go into her politics and background on here, you can certainly read
about that yourself anywhere online. I will say that she is a very real person,
a working mom, a defender of the people, adamantly Pro-Life and at the
last pastoral convention our pastor attended Sarah Palin was the keynote
speaker. The very first words out of her mouth to the pastors was a humble
request that they cover her in prayer. She said she realizes that God is the
leader of her life and there is no leadership without Him.
I am sad that Alaska will be losing her as governor; she has done great
things for this state and she has an unheard of 80% approval rating here.
But losing her means the whole country will benefit from her leadership,
so it really is okay. I have been dreading the beginning of November, but
now I am looking forward to casting my vote.
Thanks for the information. She is a relative unknown for me - I feel better about her already! I chose long ago not to vote for anyone who is not pro-life. It is nice to know that I won't have to write in a candidate this year! Have a wonderful loooooong weekend!
I agree Mary. She put her money where her mouth is this last year so to speak. She and her husband knew way ahead of time that their baby had Downs Syndrome and chose to have the baby. She said that she feels chosen to be his mother and that it is a privilege.
I really wanted to hear what you thought about her, so thanks for this post. She sounds like a remarkable person, but I wondered if she was simply playing the polical game or if she really was what the media is making her.
Caution--I think she's the real deal. She came here last year for Alaska Day and walked in front of us in the parade. Of course the media is going to tear her to shreds, but what else is new? Her record speaks for itself and when is the last time you heard of a politician that stood up to their own party because of what they believed in?
I dont typically talk about politics either... but it has been a grim year with all the yah yah back and forth and I have told my family more than one time I dont knwo who I am voting for but I sure know who I am NOT voting for... BO... anyway I look forward to hearing more about her.
Laura--that's all I knew too prior to this announcement--who I was NOT voting for. It will be interesting to see how the liberal media portrays her as the election heats up and the mud starts really slinging. I think she is up for the challenge!
Yes, Ma'am and Amen!
I would vote for her in a heart beat. I just don't think McCain will listen to her:<( McCain was my Senator and never listened to his constituants........
Janette--I know what you mean and that is why she is the perfect match for him. She has a reputation here in Alaska for going toe to toe with the good old boys in her own party and not backing down. Her nickname is Barracuda!
2nd Cup of Coffee--hey thanks for stopping by; it's nice to meet you!
I'm excited now too, I thought of you when I learned she was from Alaska. She seems real down to earth and a great role model for women of America. My Love kept going on and on about her so I labeled her his girlfriend. LOL...he stopped. ;-)
Becky--yes, she is down to earth and when is the last time we had a candidate that we could relate to? I have to wonder how she feels rubbing shoulders with the ultra wealthy in the upper political circles... It seems like they are all at least millionaires prior to running for office. Remember the Heinz-Kerry's$$$$$
I don't get how she can leave Alaska. Her husband is an outdoorsman and commercial fisherman right? How's her family going to be happy in Washington? That's like moving into a snake pit if you ask me. My huband is right there with you cheering. I think the pirannah in the politcal world will tear her to pieces. but I hope not.
Karen--maybe she is leaving Alaska for the greater good? I agree that it would be hard! The piranha in the political world have tried to tear her part on a smaller scale many times over oil drilling, aerial predator control, etc and she just keeps on keepin on. She always fights for the people, even when it means going against the political grain so to speak. She demonstrated that again this summer by fighting for payment to all Alaskans to help with heating costs this winter. They said no, no, no to her and she kept on until the money was agreed on. I am certain she is fully aware of what lies ahead or she wouldn't have said yes. Don't forget she has the Lord with her 24-7!
You grabbed my button! Woo Hoo! Loving it! Tell your friends to stop by and grab it too!
Met her, she is sincere from what I see, and my cousin in Alaska tells me the same. I feel encouraged by the REAL nature of this woman.
Pam--thanks for the great button--good job making it! I am encouraged too by having a real person running for office for once.
Hey, hey , hey, I just returned to the blogdom after a respite to care for family (and myself). The media disgusts me so I returned to the blogdom and am simply dancing with delight over your remarks about Sarah. I'm enthused to vote (imagine that?) AND I've just handed the voter registration form to a woman who has been a citizen for over 35 years and never found a reason to vote until she saw Sarah Palin pop up. She's ecstatic! I'm moved from ennui to whee! Go sarah! Thanks for giving her the thumbs up from her neck of the woods. ; )
Debbie--Awesome! Thanks for sharing this info! Can't wait for November now...
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