Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I checked out Robert Schuller's book  The Be (Happy) Attitudes from the library
this week. I enjoy his writing so much! He has a simple way of making everyday
problems seem surmountable as long as you are following God's principles.

My favorite book of the bible is Proverbs with all of it's wisdom and sage advice.
It always amazes me how the Bible applies to our 21st century lives as much as
it did when it was written so long ago. Matthew is also another favorite book of
mine and this is where you will find the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes,
statements by Jesus himself that are universal positive principles for effective living.

Dr. Schuller calls them the Be (Happy) Attitudes--isn't that awesome?

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 5:3

I need help...I can't do it alone...I must learn to admit those areas in which I am
weak and to welcome constructive advice and help.

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
Matthew 5:4

Courage, calm, companionship...and compassion. Every good person who goes
though bad times develops a greater sensitivity. Good people turn their scars
into stars to help others.

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
Matthew 5:5

Who are the kind people? They are the sensitive spirits. Happy indeed is the 
heart which is sensitive to another's insecurity. Loving is he who offers reassurance
to another's hostility, affection to another's loneliness, friendship to another's hurt,
and apologies to all.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they 
shall be satisfied."
Matthew 5:6

I really want to do the right thing! If you feel a positive, inspiring thought go
through your mind today, there is only one way to answer it: "Yes Lord."

"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
Matthew 5:7

I am going to treat others the way I want others to treat me! If you carry
somebody else's burdens, in the process you will discover the secret of

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
Matthew 5:8

Ask God to take your life, to heal the subconscious memories that hurt. 
Ask Jesus Christ to forgive you for your secret sins. Then ask Him to take 
your life and show you how you can be a part of something beautiful for God!

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God."
Matthew 5:9

If we are to create peace in this world, we must understand what the issue really is.
It's not love versus hate, or peace versus war. It's love versus fear and insecurity!

"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for 
theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

I choose to believe that God can settle the score in His way and in His time. I shall
be blessed knowing that my hurts, borne quietly, patiently and positively can be
turned into halos.

You may be asking...What is this pain? Perhaps it is the birth pang of a new 
attitude trying to be born!


Caution/Lisa said...

I've always liked Schuller's writing, too. It frustrates me when people criticize him as light-weight.

The Stricklands said...

What great thoughts on one of my favorite Bible passages! This life isn't easy - how sweet of Jesus to tell us exactly how to respond in good times and bad. We are still enjoying the wonderful bear pictures you posted for Molly! Have a blessed, blessed week.

Grandma Tillie's Bakery said...

Caution--I have heard that too, but I find him easy to understand and always upbeat, which are pretty big reasons for me to read him these days!

Mary--I agree. How lost I would be without the instruction manual! Yay Molly! I like looking at the bears too!


Laura ~Peach~ said...

another excellent post... I am working on thinking of how to mail some cuttings (someone else asked me to for her) if I work out the details I would think that up in your neck of the woods it would make a cool house tree...and it grows so fast that if your summer gets anywhere near 89 degrees it might even flourish outside? I dunno its worth testing and trying don't cha think?
it is a beautiful tree I need to take a pic of the one that we should have cut back and did not its so funny seeing the dead shafts in the middle of the new growth... we will absolutely be cutting them back this year.
Hugs Laura

Laura ~Peach~ said...

80 not 89 sheesh